About The Author

Oh, someone actually cares about this? Alright, let’s see what I can give ya.

My name is Andrew Parsons, but you can just call me Drew. Born to Jennifer and Kenneth Jr., and brother of Zachary and Juliet. Proud grandson of one man who owned a local go kart track, a bar, and built race cars, another man who risked his life through fire and flood until age weakened him and once beat the Klan’s Grand Dragon’s ass, and great grandson of a WWII airforce mechanic and, according to recent discoveries, apparent Free Mason.

I was born, raised, and spent my entire life in Southeast Pennsylvania. Birdsboro, Pottstown, Spring City, Phoenixville, Boyertown, etc. You may recognize some of these locations in my writing, and knowing the history of this area and having been part of my inspiration for writing such rebellious characters to begin with, I had to pay homage to it all. Life has been a mixed bag, but I’ll never say I was sheltered from the many cultures and standings of the world. Here, I got to see a bit of everything, and it’s had a heavy impact on representation and variety in my cast. The people, ideas, and absurd things I’ve witnessed here have all made my mind as expansive as it’s needed to be for me to work on CONTROL, and many other works to come.

I spent most of my educational career between Spring Ford and Phoenixville, but my High School diploma is from Pottstown and a private program funded by them through Delaware County Community College. I received my Associates through Montgomery County Community College’s Pottstown campus, and spent the best three years of my life living at West Chester University for my Bachelor’s degree.

Work has always been a struggle for me, and I’d much rather not get into it, but suffice to say, I’ve been hating retail with a passion and it’s become one of the biggest reasons I’m so eager to write post-apocalyptic fiction.

My family has always been quite the mess, but I’ve come quite a long way. You can thank my incredibly multi-talented father for the current draft of the website and having supported me through my hectic life to ensure I could get far enough to present my work to you. If he had half the self-esteem to go along with all his talents, he would have saved this hell-spawned country from itself years ago singlehandedly, have gone on to have a rock career to outlast Jagger’s, and look ten times better than him when he reaches the same age.You can fully expect some anecdotal short stories about him and his escapades at some point.

If I were to describe myself in a very Robert Downey Jr. fashion, I’d have to say “Nerdy Hyper-obsessive Outwardly Optimistic Closet Pessimist”. Always looking to a brighter future and the many technical possibilities of it, but never expecting it to truly happen, simply voicing a hope I know won’t come to pass unless someone far, far greater than I takes a stand. But I suppose that’s what good fiction is about. Presenting ideas for better, stronger people to make a reality. I hope my work can someday inspire someone in the way Jules Verne and H. G. Wells have, but until then, I’ll just write, and hope to bring some good entertainment to the world, whether it becomes a part of history or not.

About Envoy of Kairos

So, I hear ya asking “what’s up with the title?” Well, that comes down to something I’ve struggled with for a long time in my attempted career as an author thus far: Opportunity. It’s become apparent that the publishing industry and financial success in general in this country come down to either knowing the right people or pure dumb luck. If you have neither, you remain at the bottom of the barrel, rotting away. So after lingering there for so long, soaking in the stink of rotted half-crushed pickles and the fish that had this container last week, I begin to realize that sometimes, your only option is to force the world’s hand and make your own luck. Make your own spotlight, become something so new that someone simply must look- and when one person looks for long enough, it won’t be long until you’ve gathered a crowd.

Kairos. God of opportunity and perfect timing. Used to describe the narrative concept of kairos, being the timing of a novel being critical to its reception. Well, there’s nothing more fitting, is there? But I don’t want to just channel some of its power. I want to speak directly for it, become the voice of it, hopefully spark something bigger. If I can be the start of taking that light of opportunity from the upper echelons of the world and bring them back down to the salt of the earth, then my work in this world will be truly complete. I am the Envoy of Kairos, and I say take the spotlight back and let the deceivers and living farces waste away in the shadow of obscurity.

About C.O.N.T.R.O.L.

Well, here’s the real meat of it. What lead me to my first great venture into authorship? Well, I suppose it all started with my first venture into writing. We’re talking 2012 deviantart days, here. Yeah, I used to be an active member. I was a huge Sonic fan back then, but largely for the part of the series that were shockingly deep, but completely ignored. The science fiction work that went into the Adventure games woke my mind to potential I’d never recognized before, and I just started running with it. Then I started getting deeper into mythology and mysticism, early science fiction and how the genre expanded, as I wrote fanfic after fanfic from age 13 onward. Eventually, my writing became so complex and disconnected from the source material that I realized I could rip it all out and repurpose those elements with a completely different world and mechanical structure to make something incredible. My characters evolved from being inspired by my childhood of videogames, anime, sparse comics, novels, and B-list action flicks. I started to piece together something that felt fresh. I extrapolated ideas from previous works into something that reached far beyond where I’d seen them dare to go. I took on philosophies I’d seen barely skimmed, but never addressed. The many inspiring people in my life became bases for characters who’ve gone on to become some of my absolute favorites. For now, I’ll leave it to you to decide what CONTROL is truly about, beneath all the action, political intrigue, and absurdity. I’ll speak more on that when the series is done. For now, I hope you can feel the passion I put into this first book, and the many yet to come.